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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Using bed sheets, 5 prisoners escape Lebanese jail

August 13, 2011 — BEIRUT (AP) — Five prisoners escaped a high-security Lebanese prison Saturday by scaling down the building's walls with bed sheets before mixing with visiting relatives and walking out of the compound with them, the interior minister said.

The minister, Marwan Charbel, blamed the escape from the Roumeih prison east of Beirut on "the pure negligence" of the guards and demanded that officers who were in charge when the jail break took place be punished.

Lebanese authorities later released photographs, names and the nationalities of the five fugitives, urging people to contact police with any information. A security official said the five are a Lebanese, a Kuwaiti, a Sudanese and two Syrians.

Late Saturday, members of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah group detained the Sudanese man in the Biddawi refugee camp in northern Lebanon and handed him over to Lebanese authorities, security officials said on condition of anonymity in line with regulations.

Local media reports said the escaped convicts included members of the al-Qaida-inspired Fatah Islam group. Charbel refused confirm or deny that there were Fatah Islam members among those who fled. Fatah Islam fought a three-month battle against the army inside the Palestinian refugee camp Nahr el-Bared in northern Lebanon in 2007. The Lebanese army crushed the group after three months, but the clashes left 220 militants, 171 soldiers and 47 Palestinian civilians dead. Dozens of the group's members were captured.

Lebanese troops, backed by an army helicopter, set up a security cordon around the prison and searched all cars leaving the area, security officials said.

متحف للقرآن بماليزيا


يقوم بطباعته وزخرفته وجمع نسخه الفريدة

محمود العدم-شاه علم

يسعى القائمون على مؤسسة رستو للفنون الإسلامية في مدينة شاه علم عاصمة ولاية سيلانغور الماليزية إلى توظيف الفن في خدمة الجهود المبذولة لنشر رسالة الإسلام, من خلال الاعتناء بالقرآن الكريم ونسخه وطباعته وزخرفته وجمع نسخه الفريدة في متحف بأرخبيل الملايو.

وأنشأت الحكومة المؤسسة عام 1988 بغرض نشر رسالة الإسلام للعالم من خلال إحياء الفنون الإسلامية والعناية بها, وجمع المخطوطات النادرة للقرآن الكريم فيما يعده القائمون على المؤسسة وفق النشرة التعريفية "عملا نادرا وفريدا من نوعه منذ سقوط مملكة ملاكا الإسلامية على يد البرتغاليين قبل نحو 500 عام".

رسالة استثنائية
ويوضح رئيس المؤسسة داتو عبد اللطيف ميراسا أن العناية بالفنون الإسلامية تشكل جانبا مهما في الدعوة للإسلام ونشر تعاليمه "لأن الفنون الإسلامية تشكل رسالة استثنائية, تقوم ركائزها على معاني الجمال اللامحدود الممتد من كلمات هذا القرآن العظيم".

من جهتها بينت مديرة العلاقات العامة في رستو، زارينا ماجوسين، في حديث للجزيرة نت، أن المؤسسة تحوي كلية لتعليم الفنون الإسلامية والخط العربي وكل ما يتعلق بفنون كتابة المصحف ونسخه وتصميمه وزخرفته, وتمنح هذه الكلية مؤهلا عاليا في فن كتابة المصحف.

ويقدم المتحف برامج منتظمة على مدار السنة تشمل دورات في الخط العربي والجاوي والزخرفة, وفصولا لتدريس القرآن تلاوة وبحثا وتفسيرا, وتعقد مؤتمرات وورشات عمل ومعارض إسلامية فيه.

كما تضم المؤسسة معرضا دائما لفن كتابة المصحف يحوى عددا من اللوحات النادرة لأشهر الخطاطين في جنوب شرق أسيا, إضافة إلى قسم خاص للوسائط المتعددة وبرامج الحاسوب وأساليب استخدامها في فن زخرفة المصحف.

نسخة نادرة
وذكرت زارينا أن المتحف يحتوي على نسخة نادرة من المصحف الشريف يعود تاريخها إلى نحو خمسمائة عام, غير أن ما يميزها عن غيرها أن أحد المهتمين بالمصحف جاء بها من إقليم آتشه الإندونيسي وقدمها للمؤسسة قبل ثلاثة أيام من وقوع كارثة تسونامي التي ضربت الإقليم نهاية عام 2004.

واعتبرت أن ما حصل يُعد منحة ربانية أن يكون هذا المتحف حاضنا لهذه النسخة, التي "ما كان لأحد أن يتعرف عليها لو بقيت في آتشه مع وقوع الكارثة".

وتقوم المؤسسة الآن بإعداد ترجمة جديدة من نوعها لمعاني القرآن الكريم باللغة الملايوية, حيث سيعمد المترجمون إلى تقديم ترجمة أكثر تفصيلا ووضوحا عن مثيلاتها, من خلال ترجمة كلمات القرآن كلمة كلمة ثم تقديم ترجمة للمعنى الشامل للآية "وهو ما يفيد القارئ بالتعرف على المعنى الحرفي للكلمة باللغة العربية مما يجعله أكثر فهما للإعجاز البلاغي للقرآن".

المصدر: الجزيرة.
الرابط: http://www.aljazeera.net/NR/EXERES/7F52DAB6-5F49-4F0A-9D83-E59B6C60CA24.htm.

خطة عراقية لتفكيك 25 مليون لغم


علاء يوسف-بغداد

تتربص الألغام الأرضية بحياة مئات آلاف العراقيين الذين يعيشون في ثلاث رقع جغرافية مختلفة في بلاد الرافدين، ويقدرها الخبراء بأكثر من 25 مليون لغم أرضي وقذيفة غير منفجرة.

أولى هذه المناطق تقع على طول الحدود العراقية الإيرانية، ويوجد فيها مخلفات الحرب العراقية الإيرانية (1980-1988). وكانت هذه المناطق قد شهدت معارك ضارية خلال حرب الثماني سنوات.

أما المناطق الأخرى التي تنتشر فيها الألغام الأرضية فتشمل غالبية الطرق الجبلية في المحافظات الشمالية (أربيل ودهوك والسليمانية)، وهذه الألغام زرعها عناصر حزب العمال الكردستاني خلال تسعينيات القرن الماضي إبان المعارك الشرسة التي خاضها مقاتلو الحزب مع القوات التركية التي تعقبتهم داخل الأراضي العراقية.

ويشاهد زائر مناطق دهوك وأربيل تحديدا لافتات على جوانب الطرق تحذر من وجود ألغام.

أما المنطقة الثالثة فتقع في محافظتي البصرة والناصرية جنوب العراق، حيث دارت معارك شرسة بين القوات الأميركية والعراقية مطلع عام 1991 إبان حرب الخليج الثانية، مع العلم بأنه رغم انتهاء الحروب فإن جهودا لم تبذل للتخلص من ملايين الألغام التي زرعت في تلك المناطق.

هذه الألغام باتت مصيدة للرعاة والمزارعين من سكان تلك المناطق، حيث يسقطون بين قتيل أو معاق، ويسيطر عليهم الخوف الدائم لمعرفتهم بوجود ملايين الألغام دون معالجة.

ويؤكد مسؤول عراقي كبير أن الأراضي العراقية لم تنظف من الألغام منذ عقود، وأن نسبة ما أزيل منها لا يتجاوز 5%. ويكشف الوكيل الأقدم لوزارة البيئة العراقية الدكتور كمال حسين لطيف للجزيرة نت أن الوزارة وضعت خطة إستراتيجية لإزالة الألغام من الأراضي العراقية ستبدأ عام 2012. ويضيف أن رئاسة مجلس الوزراء شكلت لجنة وطنية برئاسة رئيس الوزراء وعضوية وزراء البيئة والنفط والدفاع والداخلية وبعض الدوائر الأخرى المساندة.

اتفاقية أوتاوا
تأتي هذه الخطة -كما يقول- تطبيقاً لاتفاقية أوتاوا التي قررت أن يكون العراق خالياً من الألغام عام 2018، مشددا على أنه ما زال هناك ضعف في قاعدة المعلومات الخاصة بجغرافية حقول الألغام وأعدادها. ويشكك لطيف في الأرقام المعلنة عن وجود 25 مليون لغم في الأراضي العراقية، ويعتقد أن الرقم أكبر من ذلك.

وعن الخطوات التنفيذية يقول لطيف "بدأنا أولاً بتحديد حاجتنا من الموارد البشرية والحاجة للموارد المالية والفترة الزمنية، وأن تنظيف مساحة 10 كلم2 تحتاج إلى خمسة ملايين دولار".

من جهته رفض الناطق الرسمي باسم وزارة الدفاع اللواء محمد العسكري الحديث حول جهود الوزارة وتعاونها على صعيد إزالة الألغام، واعتذر عن الإجابة على أسئلة الجزيرة نت الخاصة بخرائط الوزارة عن حقول الألغام وإمكانية الاستفادة منها في التعرف على الرقع الجغرافية المزروعة بها.

وتقول المتحدثة الرسمية باسم اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر بعثة العراق ماري كلير فغالي للجزيرة نت إن خبراء اللجنة لا يعملون في نزع الألغام في العراق، بل نزع الذخائر غير المنفجرة بكافة أشكالها.

العراقيون المهددون
وتؤكد أن الألغام بالعراق تعرض حياة أكثر من 1.6 مليون عراقي للخطر. وفي يونيو/حزيران 2010، بدأ فريق متخصص في اللجنة الدولية بإزالة الذخائر غير المنفجرة من محافظة ميسان. وخلال العام الماضي أزيلت أكثر من 1600 قطعة من هذه الذخائر في 27 منطقة يقطنها أكثر من 10 آلاف شخص.

وتضيف فغالي أن خبراء الصليب الأحمر تمكنوا في الشهرين الماضيين من تحديد مواقع ألفي قطعة من هذه الذخائر في 66 موقعاً مختلفاً يسكنها 30 ألف شخص، مضيفة أنهم أزالوا الذخائر بثلاث معاينات تقنية في مخيم للنازحين في الكوت بمحافظة واسط، يسكنه ألف شخص. وقد تمكن الفريق من تحديد أماكن 2500 قطعة ذخيرة غير منفجرة.

المصدر: الجزيرة.
الرابط: http://www.aljazeera.net/NR/EXERES/B757EACB-832B-41B2-BAD2-F90B751AA84A.htm.

السوريون يواصلون هربهم الى الاردن


خبرني- لأول مرة تسجل حركة دخول سوريين عبر الحدود الاردنية السورية إلى اراضي المملكة بشكل لافت للانتباه بعد احداث العنف التي تشهدها المناطق السورية والحصار المفروض على مواطنيها من قبل اجهزة الجيش السوري.

ووفق صحيفة العرب اليوم فانه وخلال المتابعات الميدانية لوضع المقيمين السوريين في محافظة المفرق فإن اعدادهم اخذت بالتزايد في الاونة الاخيرة من خلال لجوئهم إلى اقاربهم وانسبائهم في عدد من القرى القريبة من الحدود السورية لوجود مناطق تتشابه فيها العشيرة والمنطقة ما بين المحافظات السورية والمفرق وخصوصا في البادية الشمالية.

وحسب حديث احد اقارب المواطنين الذي وصل قبل ايام ويقطن في حمص وكان شاهد عيان على العديد من الحوادث فان اردنيا توجه قبل اسابيع لزيارة اقاربه السوريين الا انه اصيب بعيار ناري من قبل الاجهزة الامنية السورية وتم نقله على الفور من حمص إلى الحدود الاردنية تمهيدا لاستكمال علاجه في احدى المستشفيات الاردنية.

واشار ان حمص من المناطق الاكثر تواجدا لأقارب اردنيين وسوريين وباعداد كبيرة وهناك المئات متواجدة في مناطق البادية وزيدت في الاونة الاخيرة عقب الاحداث الامنية الصعبة في سورية. واوضح ان هناك تشددا على دخول الاردنيين من الجانب السوري واجراءات صعبة لا يمكن وصفها من خلال تعليمات مشددة تم اتخاذها بهذا الشأن منذ فترة.

وكشف بان هناك اعتقالات عشوائية في حمص بينهم اردنيون مصيرهم ما زال مجهولا جراء الاجراءات التي تقوم بها اجهزة النظام السوري.

وتطرق عدد من الشباب السوريين الذين وصلوا المفرق قادمين من درعا بانهم تعرضوا لاعتقالات في السجون السورية وتعرضوا لأشد انواع التعذيب على يد اجهزة الأمن السورية وبعد خروجهم قرروا المغادرة والسفر إلى الاردن والاقامة عند اقاربهم القاطنين في محافظة المفرق لحين تهدئة الاوضاع الامنية في سورية, مشيرين أن درعا ما زالت محاصرة من قبل الجيش السوري واجراءات تفتيش مستمرة لمنع خروج ودخول الاهالي للمدينة ومنع التظاهر السلمي.

من جهة اخرى ابلغت مصادر مطلعة العرب اليوم ان الحدود الاردنية السورية ستبقى مفتوحة امام الاشقاء السوريين بحيث يتم انجاز معاملاتهم بكل سهول من دون عوائق شريطة احضار كافة المعلومات والوثائق المطلوبة للسماح لهم بالدخول للحدود الاردنية وضمن التعليمات الموضوعة بهذا الخصوص.

وهناك اجراءات تفتيش مشددة للمركبات الداخلة والخارجة للحدود لمنع محاولات تهريب البضائع والاشخاص على ضوء ما تشهده دول الجوار من احداث يتطلب اتخاذ المزيد من الاجراءات الاحترازية لذلك.

واشارت المصادر ان مشكلة سائقي البحارة في طريقها للحل بعد المشاكل الكبيرة التي سببها البعض بعملية شراء البضائع من المنطقة الحرة من خلال العمل على تصويب اوضاعها لفتح المجال امام المسافرين بانجاز معاملاتهم دون تأخير كون البحارة سببت ازدحاما امام مسارب الدخول والخروج.

واضافت المصادر ان هناك حركة خروج من بعض الجنسيات وخصوصا الخليجية من سوريا والتي عبرت في الأيام الماضية عبر الحدود السورية باعداد كبيرة وقدمت لها كافة التسهيلات المطلوبة كون حدود جابر المنفذ البري الوحيد للخليج العربي القادمين من سوريا ولبنان ولضمان وصولها إلى مقاصدها دون مشاكل, موضحين ان الجنسيات الاخرى يتم معاملتها بنفس الاجراءات المتخذة لدخول وخروج المسافرين القادمين والمغادرين للحدود الاردنية السورية.

المصدر: خبرني.
الرابط: http://www.khaberni.com/more.php?newsid=59970.

القبس:الاسد يتهم الاردن بدعم الثورة السورية


خبرني- فجرت صحيفة القبس الكويتية اليوم السبت مفاجأة حين كشفت نقلا عن مصادر لها في عمان قولها ان الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد رفض مؤخرا وساطة اردنية لوقف حمام الدم هنالك .
وقالت المصادر : إن الأسد رفض "الوساطة الأردنية"، واتهم المملكة بأنها وراء "دعم الثورة في بلاده ووراء تهريب السلاح وإدخال العناصر التخريبية".
وكانت تقارير صحفية اشارت الى وجود اتصالات سرية بين مسؤولين اردنيين وسوريين لوقف نزيف الدم المستمر منذ 6 اشهر في سوريا.

المصدر: خبرني.
الرابط: http://www.khaberni.com/more.php?newsid=59973.

Tunisian media objectivity at risk

Since January 14th, Tunisian political parties have been pushing their own agendas on the media.

By Mona Yahia for Magharebia in Tunis – 12/08/11

With Tunisian political parties expanding their involvement with news outlets, civil society groups are raising alarm bells at the possible impact polarized media could have on the upcoming election.

"In the electoral stages there are ethics that the media must follow… if we want to establish a positive and neutral media and not let political parties manipulate the media as in the past," said Hichen Snoussi, a member of the National Commission for the Reform of Media and Communication.

In a statement issued on Tuesday (August 9th), the commission criticized Ennahda co-founder Abdelfattah Mourou for his appearance on a Hannibal TV program. The statement said his actions were considered a violation of the neutrality rule dictated by the delicate situation in the country on the eve of crucial elections.

Mourou recently claimed that his program on the private Hannibal TV channel was not political promotion. Hichen Snoussi responded to the claim by saying that Mourou was a public figure, and even if his public appearances were not politically oriented.

"Mourou is ignorant of political propaganda, for when he has a distinctive political role, he is engaging in indirect propaganda," Snoussi said.

But Mourou denied that on the airwaves of the privately-owned Radio Mosaic, saying that his program was purely social.

Associations and opposition political parties alike criticized the appearance of the Ennahda leader on a daily religious program, demanding that he desist on the grounds it is a violation of electoral rules.

The National Commission for the Reform of Media and Communication called on the management of the Hannibal channel to "reconsider airing the program, on which political propaganda may be mixed with the religious call".

But Hannibal TV owner Larbi Nasra rejected that, saying, "I am free and will not stop the program, and the channel is my channel."

Nasra was among the few media figures sanctioned by the former regime and was the first person to receive a license for a private channel under Ben Ali.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Forum for Labor and Liberties called on the media to avoid "giving platforms to some of the symbols of parties and political currents to mix political propaganda and preaching and guidance".

The National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) issued a statement criticizing what it called "serious irregularities that marred the public and private media landscape… and a political bias seen in the editorial line of a number of media organizations, sometimes to the extent of zeal".

The union criticized the independent As-Sabbah and Al-Chourouk newspapers and religious radio station Al-Zeitouna in addition to the private Hannibal TV channel.

"Journalists must be professionals and adhere to the ethics of the profession and code of honor," the union's president, Nejiba Hamrouni, told Magharebia.

"This is not difficult, but the general framework in which we now operate is difficult and complex, and in it there is political money and publicity, especially as we are in a legislative vacuum awaiting a new press law to regulate these issues," she added.

Moktar Kalfaoui, Editor in Chief of the website Al-Awan, told Magharebia, "What is asked of the media is objectivity, not neutrality."

He explained that the media's various political leanings resulted from an "absence of traditions of work according to a clear editorial line", as well as the influence of wealthy media tycoons who inject their political leanings into their respective TV channels and radio stations "without partnering with representative and diverse editorial boards and to look at things from the angle of narrow and immediate interests".

Source: Magharebia.
Link: http://www.magharebia.com/cocoon/awi/xhtml1/en_GB/features/awi/features/2011/08/12/feature-02.

Libyan embassy in Washington welcomes new team


The Libyan Transitional National Council (TNC) on Thursday (August 11th) formally took over the Libyan Embassy in Washington, CNN reported. Former Libyan Ambassador to the US Ali Aujali was accredited as head of the Libyan mission. "This is a message that Kadhafi can no more rule Libya," Aujali said. "The recognition of this embassy under the leadership of the TNC is a clear message to the regime the US recognizes the council and they recognize the new Libya," he added.

Source: Magharebia.
Link: http://www.magharebia.com/cocoon/awi/xhtml1/en_GB/features/awi/newsbriefs/general/2011/08/12/newsbrief-05.

Iran agrees to fund Syrian military base

By Con Coughlin
12 Aug 2011

Iran has agreed to fund a new multi-million-dollar military base on the Syrian coast to make it easier to ship weapons and other military hardware between the two countries, according to Western intelligence reports.

Under the terms of the deal, which was concluded after a high-level Syrian delegation visited Tehran, Iran is to assist with the development of a new military compound at Latakia airport which will be completed by the end of next year. The aim of the agreement is to open a supply route that will enable Iran to transfer military hardware directly to Syria.

Western security officials say the deal was agreed following a visit to Tehran in June by Muhammad Nasif Kheirbek, Syria's deputy vice-president for security affairs and an ally of President Bashar al-Assad.

Iran and Syria have enjoyed a close strategic alliance for decades, founded on their mutual antipathy towards the West. In return for Iranian military support, Syria has supported Tehran's attempts to develop the Islamic fundamentalist Hizbollah militia into a major political force in neighboring Lebanon.

In recent months, Iran has been deeply alarmed at the nationwide protests in Syria against the Assad regime. Western diplomats claim that Iran has been sending riot control equipment, as well as intelligence monitoring techniques and oil, to Damascus to help Mr Assad regain control over his country.

But Iranian efforts to provide clandestine support have suffered several setbacks after Turkish officials intercepted a number of arms shipments destined for Syria.

Last week, Ahmet Davutoglu, the Turkish foreign minister, confirmed that Turkey had seized a truck full of weapons traveling from Iran to Syria. The seizure was made on April 30 by Turkish officials at the border city of Kilis but was only made public this month after details of the haul were published in the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung.

Turkey seized the cargo of an Iranian plane bound for Syria in March because the shipment violated UN sanctions. The Turkish media reported that an Iranian Yas Air freight plane, which was bound for the Syrian city of Aleppo, was allowed to pass through Turkish airspace only on condition that it made a "technical stop" at Diyarbakir airport in south-east Turkey. On March 21, Turkish officials found that equipment listed as "auto spare parts" on the plane's documents were a consignment of weapons, including assault rifles, machine guns and mortars.

The arms shipments are a clear breach of sanctions imposed against Iran by the UN Security Council over Tehran's controversial nuclear program, which expressly forbids arms exports.

"The direct route is being set up to make it easier to pass advanced Iranian weapons and equipment to Syria," said a senior Western security official.

The Latakia deal was negotiated by Mr Kheirbek, who has been identified as one of the most powerful figures within Syria's security establishment. Mr Kheirbek, whose son also holds a senior post in Syria's internal security, is now the subject of US sanctions over his liaison role with Hizbollah in southern Lebanon. During his visit to Tehran, he met Ghasem Suleimani, the commander of the Quds Force of Iran's Revolutionary Guards.

Under the terms of the agreement, Iran plans to fly hundreds of tons of weapons to Latakia on freight planes which have a capacity of up to 40 tons each.

Teams of Iranian Revolutionary Guards officers are to be stationed at Latakia on a permanent basis, where they will co-ordinate the arms shipments with officials from Syria's Mukhabarat intelligence service.

A similar joint command center was set up at Damascus international airport earlier this year, but Latakia is regarded as a more suitable destination as it is not subjected to the same level of scrutiny as Damascus. For this reason Iran has agreed to provide $23 million to build a new complex at Latakia airport to handle the arms shipments, which are likely to include machine-guns, rockets and medium-range missiles.

• President Assad's Ramadan offensive against his own people appeared to have failed yesterday after anti-regime demonstrations erupted across Syria.

At least 10 people were killed in various parts of the country as the security forces responded with the violence that has become familiar since the uprising began five months ago.

Source: The Daily Telegraph.
Link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iran/8699077/Iran-agrees-to-fund-Syrian-military-base.html.

Tragedy echoes in children's screams on Hama's empty streets

12 August 2011

The central Syrian city of Hama, which was stormed by the army at the start of the month in an assault that killed more than 100 people, according to activists and rights groups, has turned into a ghost town in the literal sense.

Almost all houses in the city, which was once home to 700,000 people, seemed abandoned, while the residents who remained in the city locked themselves into their houses, leaving the streets entirely empty.

The siege of Hama, also the scene of a 1982 massacre, began on the eve of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Troops sent in by Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad’s father, Hafez al-Assad, overran the city and crushed Islamist insurgents, killing many thousands of people.

On Thursday afternoon, 10 journalists from Turkey arrived in Hama to follow the recent situation in this Syrian city. The journalists left for Syria following a statement that the Syrian army had withdrawn tanks and heavy weapons.

Allowing journalists to visit Hama for the first time since the military offensive began was one of the recommendations Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu conveyed to President Assad on Tuesday. Giving similar permission to journalists to visit the city of Deir al-Zor was another piece of advice from Davutoğlu to Assad, and Ankara will look at whether this advice will be heeded in the coming days, Turkish officials told Today’s Zaman on Thursday. The Turkish journalists were escorted around Hama, as the government tried to show that the military presence has been reduced.

There were no tanks or armed units on the streets of Hama. Yet, apparently because of being terrorized by the appearance of buildings that were hit by Syrian forces earlier during a crackdown in which activists said scores of people were killed, residents prefer to stay in their homes, fearing that they may again be targets of these forces.

Having said that, most residents assume military forces are still in the city. Nobody could blame them for such an assumption as there were dozens of soldiers stationed in Assi Square in Hama, which had been the main converging point for hundreds of thousands of protesters in recent weeks. While soldiers have been patrolling the empty streets of the city, the armed units and tanks that withdrew from the city were waiting at certain points just outside the city.

Their presence close to the city was evidence that they are ready to enter the city again to put down any uprising if that fire is lit again.

The small number of civilians on the streets pretended as if they had witnessed no crackdown and as if no tanks had entered the city. After speaking with them for a while, one understands that these are from pro-Assad groups who were assigned to explain to foreigners coming into the city that “everything is all right.”

Some other civilians, apparently terrorized by the soldiers’ presence, said they were not in the city when the operations were launched.

On one side the presence of soldiers, on the other side propaganda by pro-Assad civilians almost enabled the journalists from fully and freely touching the reality on the ground. However, the screams in the eyes of children who were trying to drag the journalists by their arms in order to show them traces of the crackdown were the only real voices that the journalists heard.

The children’s insistence on their effort also indicated that this fire of uprising will not end in the near future. The only thing that could not be controlled by the soldiers were children who especially wanted to show the Hamidia Mosque, which was hit by rockets during a nightly Ramadan prayer, or “tarawih,” which follows the breaking of the fast.

The soldiers could not prevent the children from reaching the journalists since they apparently hesitated to take any action against children in front of foreign journalists.

As some children openly said, “They attacked from aircraft and via rocket-launchers,” some others dared to shout slogans saying “Let the Assad regime be destroyed.”

One of them was masked, and only his eyes were visible.

“For 50 years we have had the same administration in this country,” he said.

“You see us, we have no weapons, but they are attacking us with tanks and planes. And I tell President Assad that even though it will be difficult, we will remove you from power,” he said.

During the short period of time when Turkish journalists were in the city, children in a way became the voice of this silent and oppressed city.

Source: Today's Zaman.
Link: http://www.todayszaman.com/newsDetail_getNewsById.action?load=detay&newsId=253597.

Ten injured as Jordanians protest against corruption

AMMAN (BNO NEWS) — Hundreds of Jordanians on Friday demonstrated across the country to demand sovereignty and an end to government corruption, Ammon News reported.

The coalition of pro-reform movements took to the streets of downtown Amman under the banner of “Friday of Sovereignty” following midday prayers to protest government stalling in implementing political reforms. Protesters chanted slogans against rampant corruption and squandering of national resources and the lack of oversight and accountability over state officials.

Several similar demonstrations took place in the southern governorates of Tafileh and Karak. At least 10 people were injured in Karak when government loyalists attacked a group of demonstrators with sticks and knives, according to Ammon News.

The Youth and Populist Movement held local government officials accountable for the attacks. The movement’s spokesperson, Muath Btoush, said that “what took place today is a clear violation of the rights of Jordanian citizens to freedom of expression in a peaceful manner.” “We hold the authorities responsible for the attacks,” Btoush told Ammon News.

Jordanian protesters have been demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Marouf Bakhit’s government for its failure to carry out political reforms. They are also demanding the trial of corrupt officials and have stressed that they will continue protesting until they witness “real and tangible measures” to combat corruption.

Last month, Jordan’s King Abdullah II issued a decree approving a cabinet reshuffle in Bakhit’s government. This was the first reshuffle of the cabinet, which was formed in February after protesters called for the resignation of then-current prime minister Samir Rifai and his government. The previous government was blamed for price hikes, excessive taxation, unemployment, and difficult economic conditions.

Friday, August 12th, 2011

Source: WireUpdate.
Link: http://wireupdate.com/wires/19415/ten-injured-as-jordanians-protest-against-corruption/.

جرحى باعتصام جنوب الأردن


محمد النجار -عمان

أُصيب عشرة من المشاركين في اعتصام للمطالبة بالإصلاح بمدينة الكرك (120 كم جنوب عمان) بعد ظهر الجمعة خلال اشتباكهم مع مناهضين للإصلاح ضمن فعاليات اليوم التي حملت شعار "جمعة السيادة".

ووقع الاشتباك بعد أن اعتصم العشرات من الحراك الشعبي في مدينة الكرك على دوار صلاح الدين وسط المدينة ضمن الفعاليات المستمرة المطالبة بالإصلاح التي تشهدها الكرك للأسبوع الثاني عشر على التوالي.

وقال ثابت عساف، أحد قادة الحراك في الكرك، للجزيرة نت إن من وصفهم بالبلطجية هاجموا الاعتصام بالعصي والآلات الحادة مما أدى إلى إصابة عشرة من المشاركين في الاعتصام، تم نقل اثنين منهم إلى المستشفى أحدهما أدخل العناية الحثيثة.

واتهم عساف رجال الشرطة الذين كانوا موجودين في محطة أمنية بجانب الاعتصام بعدم التدخل لفض الاشتباك، وقال إن رجال الشرطة أغلقوا باب المحطة الأمنية الثابتة على أنفسهم.

وهذا هو الهجوم الأول الذي يتعرض له الحراك الشعبي الداعي إلى الإصلاح بمدينة الكرك التي تشهد فعاليات مستمرة منذ مطلع الصيف الجاري، وسبق لمن يوصفون بالبلطجية أن هاجموا مسيرة وصحفيين من بينهم فريق قناة الجزيرة الذي كان يقوم بتغطية مسيرة مطالبة بالإصلاح مطلع العام الجاري.

وشهدت الكرك ومدينة المزار -التي تحتضن قبور شهداء معركة مؤتة التاريخية- منذ مطلع رمضان الجاري أربع فعاليات مطالبة بالإصلاح والتسريع به.

وشهدت مدينة الطفيلة (179 كم جنوب عمان) مسيرة ظهر اليوم الجمعة، وهي الثالثة عشرة على التوالي، شارك فيها المئات مرددين هتافات تحذر الملك عبد الله الثاني من استمرار التباطؤ في تحقيق الإصلاح.

وكانت المدينة قد شهدت مساء الخميس إقامة إفطار جماعي تبعته ندوة سياسية حول الإصلاح حضرها المئات في حشد اعتبر الأكبر في المدينة منذ بدء حراكها قبل أشهر.

واتهم القائمون على نشاط الخميس الحكومة بقطع الكهرباء عن مكانه حيث أصروا على إكمال فعاليتهم على ضوء الشموع.

بيان تحذيري
وأصدر الحراك الشعبي في مدن الجنوب الأردني وعمان بيانا حذر من استمرار الغياب الرسمي عن تحقيق الإصلاح الشعبي.

وجاء في البيان "لقد بدأ الصبر ينفد من سذاجة التعامل مع مطالب حراك الشارع المتوسع سقفا وحجما، وبدأ الحراك يوجه صوته إلى رأس الهرم مباشرة لتسريع عجلة الإصلاح الذي يريده الشارع لا ادعاءات الإصلاح ومشاريع الالتفاف التي تريدها القوى المستفيدة من الوضع الراهن ومن زمرة الظلم والفساد".

وتابع "بدأت الأغلبية الصامتة تعرف مواطن الخلل وترى بعينها فضائح متوالية تضرب القرار السيادي الأردني وبدأ المواطن العادي يفقد الثقة بأصحاب القرار بعد كل هذا التجاهل والتخبط وكل هذه الفضائح".

وفي عمان خرجت بعد صلاة الجمعة اليوم مسيرة شارك فيها نحو 300 من أعضاء الحراك الشعبي المطالب بالإصلاح وغلبت عليها الشعارات المنتقدة لغياب الإصلاح، بشكل "كاريكاتوري".

وكانت عمان قد شهدت مساء الخميس اعتصاما بمنطقة حي نزال أطلق فيه المشاركون مناطيد صغيرة تعبيرا عن الإصرار الشعبي على تحقيق الإصلاح.

وطالب المشاركون في الاعتصام الذي نظمته تنسيقية الحراك الشبابية الأردنية بالإسراع في تحقيق الإصلاح، ومحاربة الفساد ورفع القبضة الأمنية عن الحياة العامة.

مهرجان جماهيري
وتأتي هذه التحركات في غياب للأحزاب السياسية التي دعت من خلال الجبهة الوطنية للإصلاح إلى مهرجان جماهيري مساء الجمعة يتوقع أن يشارك فيه أحمد عبيدات رئيس الجبهة وقيادات الأحزاب والنقابات لاسيما قيادات الحركة الإسلامية بالأردن.

كما تجري التحركات الشعبية قبل أيام من موعد إعلان التعديلات الدستورية المتوقعة مطلع الأسبوع القادم في حفل يحضره العاهل الأردني.

وكان الملك عبد الله الثاني قد أكد في مناسبات عديدة أنه يقود الإصلاح في البلاد متعهدا بوضع مخرجات لجنة الحوار الوطني بشأن قانوني الانتخاب والأحزاب موضع التنفيذ بعد إقرار التعديلات الدستورية التي يتوقع أن تمنح السلطة التشريعية سلطات أوسع وتعمل على الفصل بين السلطات الثلاث في البلاد.

ويشهد الأردن منذ مطلع العام الجاري مسيرات وتحركات شعبية تطالب بالإصلاح قالت السلطات الرسمية إن عددها تجاوز ألفين على وقع الثورات العربية التي يقول مراقبون إنها منحت الشارع الأردني دفعة قوية لتحقيق الإصلاح والمطالبة بمكافحة الفساد.

المصدر: الجزيرة.
الرابط: http://www.aljazeera.net/NR/EXERES/0D4C778E-291A-4C0B-87E0-A96750A4FA65.htm.

وصول المواطن الأردني الخالدي من سورية إلى أرض المملكة بوضع صحي حرج


سرايا - وصل الى المملكة المواطن الأردني المصاب في سورية طارق الخالدي، وتم نقله فورا من حدود جابر إلى مستشفى الملك عبدالله المؤسس بسبب وضعه الصحي الحرج.

وانتقد ذوو وأقارب الشاب الأردني خلو سيارة الإسعاف الأردنية، التي كان من المفترض أن تنقله من حدود جابر إلى المستشفى من التجهيزات والمعدات الطبية الخاصة لحالة ابنهم، رغم تزويدهم الجهات الرسمية والصحية بمعلومات دقيقة عن حالة ابنهم، مهددين بمحاسبة المسؤولين عن هذا الأمر.

من جهته، أكد المتحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية محمد الكايد أن مركز العمليات بالوزارة قام أول من أمس الأربعاء، بالتنسيق مع مختلف الأجهزة الأردنية لاستقبال المصاب، وليصار الى نقله مباشرة الى المستشفى فور وصوله للحدود، كما أن الوزارة أبلغت إدارة المستشفى بوضعه الصحي وبأنه مصاب بالرأس وأن حالته حرجة، وطلبت إرسال سيارة إسعاف للحدود لاستقباله.

وأشار الكايد الى أن المصاب الأردني كان غادر مدينة حمص السورية في سيارة إسعاف الساعة 7:30 من صباح أمس الخميس وكانت السفارة الأردنية في دمشق تابعت حالة الخالدي واستحصلت على التصاريح اللازمة من محافظ حمص لإخراجه من المحافظة السورية ونقله للأردن.

واعتبر أحمد الخالدي، عم المصاب، أن الحكومة أخفقت في ترتيب مهمة نقل ابن أخيه، إذ كان من المفترض تسليمه من الجانب السوري لسيارة الإسعاف الأردنية التي خول لها الدخول بمرافقة ضابط الارتباط الأردني الموجود داخل مركز حدود جابر.

من جهته، قال مدير مستشفى الملك عبدالله المؤسس الدكتور زياد الناصر إنه لم يتم الطلب من إدارته إرسال سيارة إسعاف، في الوقت الذي أكد فيه جاهزية المستشفى لاستقبال المصاب الأردني، بعد أن أبلغت وزارة الداخلية إدارة المستشفى بحالته الصحية. وأوضح أنه وبعد الساعة الواحدة من ظهر أمس كلف بإرسال سيارة إسعاف إلى مركز حدود جابر تحمل كافة التجهيزات الطبية، بالإضافة إلى طبيب تخدير متخصص.

وأعرب ذوو المصاب عن استيائهم لطول انتظارهم أمام مركز حدود جابر ما حدا بهم الى الاتصال مع نواب وشخصيات رسمية لحل الأزمة وتسريع إدخال ابنهم المصاب، ما استدعى السماح لسيارة الإسعاف السورية بالدخول إلى الأردن وإيصال المصاب إلى مستشفى الملك المؤسس بمرافقة ضابط الارتباط الأردني، إلى جانب مرافقة سيارة الإسعاف الأردنية، التي كان من المفترض أن تقل الخالدي، وتبين أنها تابعة لمركز صحي جامعة اليرموك، وبدون طاقم طبي. وفور وصول المصاب إلى مستشفى الملك المؤسس أدخل غرفة العناية الحثيثة برفقة طاقم طبي من الاختصاصيين، الذين كانوا بانتظار وصول الحالة.

وأكد الدكتور الناصر أن حالة المريض حرجة للغاية، كون الرصاصة التي أصابته جاءت في العين اليمنى لتستقر في عمق الدماغ، موضحا أن جزءا كبيرا من الدماغ "تهتك" بفعل مادة البارود الحارق. وكان الشاب الخالدي (19 عاما) أصيب قبل ثلاثة أيام برصاص الأمن السوري أثناء مرافقته لجدته وخاله، الذين كانوا يقومون بزيارة لأقاربهم في مدينة حمص لحضور حفل زفاف.

المصدر: سرايا.
الرابط: http://www.sarayanews.com/object-article/view/id/84795/title/d8c5d8d4%20b7d4d5d8b7c7d6%20b7d4b3c1bFd6dA%20b7d4bEb7d4bFdA%20d5d6%20c3d8c1dAb9%20b5d4d9%20b3c1c6%20b7d4d5d5d4d3b9%20b8d8c6c9%20c5bDdA%20bDc1bC.

Listening to Plants Guides Traditional Healing

By John Christopher Fine
August 15, 2011

When I asked the shaman about their healing methods they told me, “ask the plants,” explains Enrique Barbano Quijano. Henri, as he is called by his friends, is an herbalist and traditional healer. A former Seventh-Day Adventist minister and evangelist that preached with the likes of Billy Graham, he spends most of his time now in the jungles of the Amazon researching medicinal plants with traditional healers.

“I stayed almost two months with one tribe in Peru. They live like they lived 3,000 years ago. I saw how they gathered plants and made medicine,” Henri related from Palm Beach, Fla., where he spends time when not doing field research in the Amazon and Mexico.

Born in 1957 in La Plata, Argentina, Henri’s father was an engineer that worked on the Pan-American Highway. His mother was a medical doctor. After high school in La Plata, Henri attended the University of Denver where he was a theology major and archaeology minor. Henri’s quests in archaeology led him into the jungles where he met and made friends with indigenous peoples. He began to bring them clothing and medicines during his field work.

In 1999, Henri began a project to discover ancient writings of the Inca people of Peru. It was then that he developed an interest in healing plants. He was able to witness the work of shamans—not as an outsider, but as a trusted associate.

It was then that Henri began making notes for a book he is preparing about medicinal plants. “My best teacher was ayahuasca. I studied that plant for years,” he recalled. It is pronounced aye-ahh-was-ka. The vine grows wild in the Amazon jungles of Peru and Ecuador. It is harvested by shamans, cut, then boiled with a leaf called chacruna.

“It has been used for thousands of years. When a child is born, indigenous people give it a drop of ayahuasca,” explained Henri. It is said to cleanse the physical and spiritual body.

Henri received formulas for ayahuasca and studied them at Universidad Particular de Iquitos in Peru. There are many varieties of the vine and leaf remedy that differ in strength. One of the varieties Henri described is called Heaven: “The ayahuasca vine is cut, peeled, then boiled in three liters of water with chacruna. This is used in the Pucallpa region of Peru. It is cooked for eight hours. The fluid is brown and sticky.”

In traditional medicine, the patient is prepared in a ceremony for three to seven days of cleansing. A diet of special plantains and fresh-water fish from lakes or rivers is maintained. The shaman prepares the patient by smoking the person with tobacco. The ceremony is not unlike Native American traditional smoke ceremonies.

“When the body is cleansed, the patient drinks ayahuasca. They go to sleep and dream,” Henri said. The ceremony is accompanied by Ikaros. “The traditional Ikaros are flute songs. The flutist guides you in your dreams. The shaman attends you if you are crying. They apply a lotion called Agua de Florida. People dream. They see problems that arose when they were young.”

Videos of traditional ayahuasca ceremonies and taped interviews with an American that went through the process indicate that the reaction to the medicinal plant can be extreme. Visions may include things that are suppressed from the conscious memory. The patient often vomits from the effects of the sticky, bad-tasting fluid. One man described his lack of control after taking the remedy and of throwing up several times. Upon release the subject said he felt peace.

Henri asserted that the therapy is used to cure heroin and cocaine addiction. “When you cleanse your body you cleanse the liver, blood, kidneys. Inhalations cleanse the respiratory areas,” he said.

Besides ayahuasca, Henri described how diet is an important part of the traditional medicine he has studied. “The body needs vitamins and minerals. The body craves foods. Healthy foods like salads, fruits, fresh things. No fast food.” Henri continued, “In traditional medicine, headaches are cured by eating strawberries. Cholesterol is helped with pineapple juice, eggplant, and cat’s claw. The origin of these medicines in food comes from traditional healers.”

“Stress is the worst thing to make you sick,” Henri affirmed. “When you eat you have to take time. When you have tension and stress and you are in a hurry, the food is not going to be good for your system.”

Henri also described how in the healing he has studied, it is important that people feel needed, wanted, and loved by those around them: “If the kidneys are not functioning well the person feels lonely, sad. Some people as a result take to drink and they get hooked on alcohol.”

Modern science is beginning to learn from these traditional practices. Researchers are scouring the Amazon seeking knowledge from plants and hoping to find miracle cures for the scourge of human diseases.

“Listen to the plants,” a wise shaman healer told Henri long ago. In traditional healing, plants can talk.

Dr. John Christopher Fine served as a medical missionary in war-ravaged Congo. He saw firsthand the power of the shaman in tribal life and the use of indigenous healing remedies. He is a marine biologist and often describes ocean elements that are used for food and healing. He is the author of 24 books, many dealing with health and environmental issues.

Source: The Epoch Times.
Link: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/life/listening-to-plants-guides-traditional-healing-60388.html.

Lawyers Emerge from Detention with Tales of Torture

By Billy Shyu
August 12, 2011

Human rights lawyers and activists who were rounded up months ago, when security forces were in the grips of paranoia about a Chinese Jasmine Revolution, are now slowly being released from their extralegal detentions. And they have harrowing tales to tell.

One of those people is Tang Jitian, a lawyer who topped off his career as a legal gadfly with an attempt to defend Falun Gong practitioners in April of 2010, with colleague Liu Wei. In May of that year he got a phone call informing him that he would never practice law in China again.

But that was only the beginning of the Chinese state’s reprisals. Already identified as a troublemaker, he was among the up to 100 rights defenders and civil rights lawyers sequestered in the massive crackdown that began in February of this year.

“[Tang] … was tortured most seriously among the lawyers who have dedicated themselves to defending the rights of minorities in China,” a woman who identified herself as "Ada" posted to her blog in the early morning of Aug. 10. She also noted that Tang can no longer earn an income as a lawyer.

Someone familiar with Tang’s situation, who spoke to New Tang Dynasty TV on condition of anonymity, said that the man did indeed suffer torture. This person said, “In February, they [domestic security officers] burned him with high-voltage electrical bulbs for many days, and then used very cold air to freeze him until he suffered from pneumonia and tuberculosis.”

The source added, “His weight dropped from about 198 pounds to less than 135.”

Li Tiantian, also a lawyer who was detained and is familiar with the treatment of many of her colleagues, told NTD that Tang Jitian was stripped naked and tied to a chair, while chilled air was blown on him; she said that law professor Teng Biao, also one of those targeted, was handcuffed around the clock.

She also said she had seen Jiang Tianyong, another lawyer who had apparently been brutalized. “He told me that he was seated in a chair in one posture all day long, and was not allowed to move. It was indeed cruel torture.”

She continued about her own treatment: “The way they treated me was that I was confined to a space without windows or sunlight for three months, and I was not allowed to leave there at all. My feeling was that I was on the brink of a nervous breakdown.”

Li said that because she refused to keep silent, the authorities in Shanghai directly pressured her boyfriend’s workplace.

She said, “The leadership of the company was harassed by the domestic security officers in Shanghai, and my boyfriend was asked to monitor me carefully, so that I would not express opinions online nor accept interviews.”

Many of the individuals recently released are unwilling to discuss their treatment directly with the media for fear of further retaliation.

After being detained by public security officers in Guangzhou for over five months, human rights lawyer Tang Jingling was released last week. He told Radio Free Asia that during the detention he was prohibited from sleeping for 10 days.

Tang Jingling was abducted on Feb. 22, three days after the launch of the “China Jasmine Revolution Action,” the name given to the sweeping dragnet of arrests.

He told RFA: “Starting from March 20, I was under surveillance for about 10 days by two policemen who rotated shifts. At first, they said that they wanted to interrogate me, but they ended up sitting there without allowing me to sleep. They changed shifts every eight hours, but I was not allowed to rest.”

He remarked wryly: “Maybe it was the doctor’s orders. They said I shouldn’t sleep too much, only two or three hours a night … they said if you sleep too much at once, you might get a heart problem.” He said he ended up with shaking hands and didn’t recover until April.

After Tang was arrested his wife, Wang Yanfang, was informed by public security officers that her husband had been involved in the crime of “inciting subversion of state power,” a nebulous charge frequently used against lawyers and others who overstep the line.

On Aug. 2 police dismissed the case and lifted the house arrest.

According to the Hong Kong-based Chinese Human Rights Defenders, before the lifting of the house arrest, the police had asked Tang Jingling not to contact friends, nor accept interviews. Tang said that he would not promise what he could not fulfill.

Yao Lifa, an activist who has taken an interest in the election of “independent candidates” to local Party Congresses, was also targeted. He was forcefully placed in a “study class” in a building in early July, and jumped from the window to escape security forces. He dislocated a disc in his lower back in the leap, and was left hobbling. He was later captured by security forces in Beijing, according to RFA.

Since the round-ups began in February over one hundred political dissidents and human right activists have been imprisoned or detained, including some who were released recently, such as Teng Biao, Jiang Tianyong, Ai Weiwei, and others.

More individuals still face prosecution, including Chen Wei from Sichuan province, Zhu Yufu from Zhejiang province, Wang Lihong, Ni Yulan, Dong Jiqin, and others from Beijing.

Source: The Epoch Times.
Link: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/china-news/lawyers-emerge-from-detention-with-tales-of-torture-60304.html.

Ethnic tensions linger in Kyrgyzstan

NEW YORK, Aug. 12 (UPI) -- An ethnic Uzbek accused of having ties to ethnic violence in Kyrgyzstan in 2010 died after he was allegedly tortured by police, Human Rights Watch said.

A Kyrgyz investigation, looking into ethnic violence that gripped parts of southern Kyrgyzstan after an April 2010 coup led President Kurmanbek Bakiyev to flee the country, blamed Uzbek leaders and Bakiyev backers for the conflict.

At least 400 people were killed during June 2010 violence between Kyrgyz and ethnic Uzbeks in the southern regions of Osh and Jalal Abad.

Human Rights Watch reported that Osmonjon Khalmurzaev, a Russian citizen, died Wednesday, two days after he was arrested and later released in connection to the June 10 violence.

Hugh Williamson, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch, in a statement said police tried to get $6,000 from him for his release, adding Kyrgyz officials should conduct an investigation into the use of torture.

"Khalmurzaev's torture in police custody and his subsequent death are harrowing examples of the extent of corruption and impunity in Kyrgyzstan's law enforcement," he said.

Human Rights Watch in March said refusal by Kyrgyz authorities to investigate claims of torture is a "serious violation" of law.

A separate inquiry investigating the violence found both Kyrgyz and Uzbeks were responsible for atrocities committed in southern Kyrgyzstan after the coup.

Source: United Press International (UPI).
Link: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/Special/2011/08/12/Ethnic-tensions-linger-in-Kyrgyzstan/UPI-33911313167211/.

Israel and Cyprus Forging Ahead on Gas Bonanza

August 11, 2011

As Israel revealed that it has begun to deploy drones to protect its Mediterranean gas fields from attack by Hizbullah, plans are reportedly underway to jointly develop the huge gas reserves with Cyprus.

“We are currently working on a unitization agreement that will determine how we can develop joint gas and oil reserves for facilities that are located on both sides of the demarcation line,” Cypriot ambassador to Israel Dimitris Hatziargrou was quoted as saying in the economic daily Globes.

“The energy matter is new for us, but we intend to investigate all the possibilities, including cooperation between Cyprus, Israel and Greece,” he said.

Earlier this year, Israel and Cyprus agreed to equally divide the 250 kilometers (155 miles) of water that separates them. Last month Israel unilaterally drew the maritime border with Lebanon, all in an effort to lay claim to the natural gas spoils.

The United States Geological Survey last year estimated that more than 122 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas reserves lie under the waters of the eastern Mediterranean, most of it within Israeli territory. Since then, some 16 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves have been tentatively added from the giant Leviathan field offshore from Israel.

The Israeli fields lie adjacent to Cypriot and Lebanese waters and are part of the so-called the Messinian layer, a formation of salts and mineral deposits that promise even more gas discoveries to come. Houston’s Nobel Energy, which is a partner in three Israeli gas fields including Leviathan, also holds 100% of the yet unexplored Cyprus A field called Block 12 about 65 kilometers away.

The fields are so mind-boggling large that plans are afloat to team up in order to seek investors. An official at Israel’s Ministry of National Infrastructure confirmed reports that its director general Shaul Tzemach had been promoting an initiative for Israel and Cyprus to run a joint campaign to attract American investors for developing the natural gas fields.

“This is an idea that has been raised, but we don’t know of anything concrete at the moment,” an official at the ministry told The Media Line.

Ambassador Hatziargrou added that Block 12 and Leviathan “are very close to each other, which makes it economical to cooperate on this project. There have been discussions and good intentions, however serious talks will begin only after we know for sure that there is gas.”

Nobel announced last week that it would commence hydrocarbon drilling off Cyprus by October.

“It could be that we could propose joint ventures for gas exploration in the areas controlled by both countries. It is obvious that this would be a better package if done in cooperation with Cyprus and Israel. There would be greater chances of success,” Doron Peskin, head of research at Info-Prod Research (Middle East) Ltd., told The Media Line.

Peskin also noted that the potential goes beyond Cyprus. Greece could be involved too, he said. As EU states, they could also be a distribution point for Israeli gas to Europe.

The entire notion of gas exploration in the eastern Mediterranean is politically explosive as each of the countries in the basin seeks to demarcate their maritime exclusive economic zone (EEZ) border. When Israel and Cyprus declared their EEZ, Turkey raised its eyebrows since it, too, has claims stemming from Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus.

While Lebanon has been riven by factionalism, attempts a few years ago by Lebanon to demarcate its maritime borders with Cyprus drew a blunt threat from Turkey to back off. Beirut did, but with the possibility of huge gas finds, the matter has been revived. The prime minister of Lebanon is reportedly going to Ankara soon and one of the issues likely to be raised is this maritime agreement with Cyprus.

Meanwhile, Lebanon’s Parliament last week approved a draft law unilaterally demarcating maritime borders with Israel. According to the United Nations, the borders overlap with both countries unilaterally claiming some 850-square kilometers.

Israel dismisses Lebanon’s claims out-of-hand, saying they are politically motivated and reflect the influence on the government of Hizbullah, the Lebanon-based Iranian proxy Shiite Islamist group that fought Israel in a month-long war in 2006 and maintains its own arsenal and army of fighters. But Israeli officials are concerned about the vulnerability of gas installations to missile attacks like those Hizbullah staged in that war.

This week, the Israeli air force confirmed that it has begun dispatching unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) to conduct round-the-clock surveillance and reconnaissance missions over the Israeli gas installations.

Source: All Headline News (AHN).
Link: http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/90056852.

Mini UAV chopper for urban warfare revealed

August 10, 2011

Israel has revealed a new mini-rotary drone designed for stealth maneuvering in urban areas while relaying real-time intelligence to ground forces.

Called the GHOST, the 4 kilogram (9 pound) twin rotary UAV is equipped with an automatic vertical takeoff & landing system; and can loiter for up to 30 minutes, according to its developers at the Israel Aerospace Industries.

Experts say the new UAV, which looks surprisingly similar to the Chinhook transport helicopter, is one of a kind and answers a growing demand for vertical takeoff and landing drones.

The developers plan to unveil the GHOST to the public next week at the Unmanned Systems North America exhibition in Washington D.C., sponsored by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI). The system was designed with twin rotary electrical engines so it can be silent and support day and night special operation missions, IAI said.

"The innovative concepts used to develop GHOST highlight IAI’s goal to do its utmost to support the ground forces. GHOST demonstrates IAI's leading technology and know-how gathered through years of experience in unmanned aerial systems,” said Itzhak Nissan, IAI's President and CEO.

The unique man-machine interface and operational concept is based on the principles of computer games and makes the system extremely intuitive to operate and requires little training. The entire system can be carried in backpacks by two soldiers and includes: two platforms, batteries, and a command-and-control unit with communications. GHOST is suitable for paramilitary and homeland security applications due to its simplicity and ease of operation.

“Because it is so quiet no one can even detect it’s there. It’s designed to be sent in with combat forces and a simple soldier can operate it. Its benefit is that it is quiet and stable,”

Arie Egozi, an aviation expert who writes for numerous defense industry publications, told The Media Line.

According to Egozi, who saw the GHOST in operation, the mini-UAV could be equipped with either day or night optics, but not both simultaneously due to payload restrictions.

“Everyone is looking for vertical take off and landing (VTOL) drones now. There were tilt-rotor developments, but for now the demand is for VTOL since it is more stable,” Egozi said.

Israel was the first to start with UAVs back in 1982 and until today has led the world in development.

“When it comes to mini-UAVs, Israel is at least two generations beyond the Americans,” Egozi said. “It’s not a great feat to build a platform and engine. It’s the system that is key to superiority,” he said. “This is a one-of-a-kind system in the world that is operational.”

According to Egozi, each of the dual rotors on the GHOST is operated by a separate motor. But the system has a redundancy program so that if one motor fails, the other powers both rotors.

The UAV can also be pre-programed so that it can enter through a window and automatically keep a distance from the walls for added survivability.

Source: All Headline News (AHN).
Link: http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/90056724.

Jordanians lash out against planned nuclear reactor


Activists encourage gov't to search for energy alternatives as Amman makes plans to build nuclear reactor in response to rising oil prices.

Jordan has opted for nuclear power as a solution to its energy woes. But politicians and local residents say they will oppose any government bid to build a nuclear reactor in the resource-poor kingdom.

Three international companies are bidding for a government contract to construct a 1,000-megawatt Generation III reactor by the end of the decade near the city of Mafraq, 40 kilometers (25 miles) northeast of the capital Amman. Jordan's Energy Ministry announced that the winner will be named in November.

Jordan currently imports over 95% of its energy, costing it one-fifth of the gross domestic product in 2010. Political upheavals in the Middle East have dramatically raised oil prices this year. It relies on Egyptian natural gas for 80% of its energy needs, but repeated attacks on a gas pipeline in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula have boosted prices and disrupted supplies.

So the government has decided to push forward with nuclear energy, claiming it is the only reliable, long-term solution for Jordan's energy concerns. But residents of Mafraq say the planned reactor will pollute their environment and endanger their health. Political forces in the kingdom have also rallied against nuclear power plants.

"We believe it is better to search for alternative sources of energy than to focus on nuclear power," Dr. Said Diab, Secretary General of the Jordanian Democratic Popular Union Party, an opposition group, told The Media Line. "The dangers of the nuclear reactor outweigh its advantages, so our party has decided to join the public campaign against it."

Diab said that many developed countries have decided to abandon nuclear energy due to the potential environmental danger it poses. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said Japan would "scale back" its dependence on nuclear energy in the coming years following the meltdown of the Fukushima power plant in March after it was hit by a massive tsunami. In the wake of the Japanese disaster, Germany announced it would close down all of its nuclear power plants by 2022 following widespread anti-nuclear demonstrations across the country.

The Mafraq residents have set up a coalition called Irhamouna, Arabic for "have mercy on us." It unites environmentalists, geologists and youth activists. Coalition coordinator Nidal Hassan told The Jordan Times that his group would launch a series of information sessions and demonstrations against the reactor in Mafraq and Amman following the month of Ramadan on Facebook.

“Our children are already sick from fumes. Do we need radiation too?” Mohammed Khawaldeh, a resident of the area, told the daily.

Zeena Hakim, a 21-year-old student from Amman is volunteering in Greenpeace's first public campaign in Jordan against the nuclear reactor. Greenpeace will join Irhamouna activists in Mafraq next Tuesday to protest against the reactor.

"We oppose all nuclear programs," Hakim told The Media Line. "It causes danger to the environment, the water, and there is so much waste involved."

"The solution is energy conservation and efficiency," Hakim said. "Jordan has above average levels of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power."

Source: The Jerusalem Post.
Link: http://www.jpost.com/MiddleEast/Article.aspx?id=233763.