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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mujahideen of Jund al-Khilafah promise revenge on Kazakhstan's dictator for massacre of peaceful workers

18 December 2011

A video statement of the Mujahideen of the Kazakh Islamic Brigade Jund al-Khilafah, or Soldiers of the Caliphate in response to Friday's massacre of peaceful oil workers by beastly local dictator Nazarbayev in southwestern Kazakhstan's town of Zhanaozen, in which, according to preliminary data, up to 1,000 Muslims were beastly killed or wounded, has been posted on the Islamic internet forum Shamikh al-Islam.

To suppress the protests, the Kazakhstan's dictator Nazarbayev sent gangs of his riot police, internal troops, special forces, armored vehicles and aircraft. In addition, the gangs of special forces of Belarus dictator Lukashenko were air-lifted from Minsk to help Kazakhstan's dictator Nazarbayev.

The massacre of peaceful striking oil workers by the troops of the two dictators continued until Saturday. On that day, dictator Nazarbayev introduced the state of emergency in Zhanaozen.

In connection with the bloody events in southern Kazakhstan, the Mujahideen issued the following statement:


"In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful!

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, after whom there will be no other prophet.

And then ...

The massacre, which took place in the town of Zhanaozen, killing dozens of civilians, shows us that the Nazarbayev's regime is fighting not only the Mujahideen, but also peaceful people of Kazakhstan.

They did not stop robbing and killing people, they also now decided to prohibit the worship to Allah.

Oh the people of Kazakhstan! Your blood is our blood, your soul is our soul. And we, with the help of Allah, shall not leave this case without consequences.

We encourage you to continue to protest against the Nazarbayev's regime, whose goal is to destroy the values ​​of the Kazakhs.

Today we demand not only the abolition of the law on religion, but also the chasing of Nazarbayev and his sycophants. Allahu Akbar!"

It is worth mentioning that it is not the first appeal of the Kazakh Mujahideen with a warning to Nazarbayev and his clique.

Earlier, the Mujahideen warned the bloody dictator of the implications of his law "On religious activities", which prohibits compulsory five-time prayers in state institutions.

Just a few days ago, the Mujahideen staged 2 explosions in the city of Atyrau near the buildings of Nazarbayev's administration, secret police and "prosecutors".

Moreover, on December 8, the Brigade Jund al-Khilafah took responsibility for the battle that occurred in southern Kazakhstan on December 3. The Mujahideen confirmed the martyrdom (Insha'Allah) of 5 Mujahideen during the fightings with Nazarbayev's puppets in the village of Boraldai.

Previously, after the first appeal of Jund al-Khalifah, the puppet "mufti of Kazakhstan" Absattar Derbisali said that Nazarbayev's puppets were "not take these threats seriously".

As the time has shown, the Nazarbayev's "mullah" was seriously mistaken.

Department of Monitoring
Kavkaz Center

Source: Kavkaz Center.
Link: http://kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2011/12/18/15520.shtml.

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