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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Airport shut down by incompetent TSA authorities after jars of honey flagged as explosives

(NaturalNews) At the Bakersfield airport in California, TSA authorities recently shut down the entire airport after finding what they thought was a container of liquid explosives.

Luggage screeners discovered five Gatorade bottles full of an "amber" liquid. TSA agents then opened the bottles and complained they smelled "a strong chemical odor." They then complained of nausea and were taken to the local hospital for treatment.

According to Reuters, "Kern County Sheriffs deputies, fire crews, FBI agents and members of a joint terrorism task force responded to the scene and spent the day questioning Ramirez before further tests showed that the liquid was honey."

In other words, Ramirez was interrogated by the FBI for hours while being presumed to be a terrorist. (http://www.reuters.com/article/idUS...)

And then it turned out the "explosive amber liquid" was just HONEY.

Apparently, TSA employees are so unbelievably retarded that they don't even know what honey smells like or looks like. When they smell honey, they mistakenly believe they're under a chemical attack! And then they engage in all sorts of theater by acting like they're experiencing nausea so that they can be carted off to the hospital and take the rest of the work day off.

These are the people who are supposed to be protecting America from highly-motivated, highly-intelligent terrorists? Give me a break...

The TSA can't catch actual terrorists, but it's really good at flagging innocent people as terrorists and wasting thousands of hours of time (and millions of dollars for the airlines) declaring bogus terrorists emergencies that only serve to inconvenience everyone.

Chemical detection tests are bogus
What the TSA hasn't yet acknowledged is that their chemical detection tests are complete quackery.

As we've reported before, a bottle of Dr. Bronner's soap will test positive for illegal narcotics. A bar of home-made chocolate got Ron and Nadine from Living Libations arrested (and their child stolen from them by authorities) and accused of trafficking illegal drugs (http://www.naturalnews.com/024304.html).

Honey now apparently tests positive for explosives. Is there any food or liquid substance that truly safe from being declared a bomb by incompetent TSA employees?

It's fairly obvious at this point that the real mission of the TSA has nothing to do with security. It has everything to do with brainwashing Americans to surrender to police state searches while living in a never-ending state of extreme fear. The TSA, in other words, is just a vehicle by which Americans can be programmed to kow-tow to the herd mentality.

And then they ratchet up the invasions of your privacy one step at a time. First it's just asking you to throw away your water, then later they ask you to start taking off your shoes and belts. Before long, you're scanned with a full body scanner that shows you body completely naked -- nipples, penises, crotches and all -- while TSA agents get off on their power trip.

The TSA wants you to believe that high levels of detail are not possible with their full-body scanners. But as you can clearly see here, this technology reveals breasts and genitalia. The images they release to the public are intentionally blurred and offered a low resolution in order to create the false impression that TSA agents can't really see anything. But if they can't see anything, what good is the technology?

Source: NaturalNews.
Link: http://www.naturalnews.com/027905_TSA_airport_security.html.

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